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The Cinnamon & Clove Story

Soaping up your home with handmade soap love and sunshine

As good humans, we take it upon ourselves to keep clean and stay sparkly.

Whether it’s washing your hands, face, hair, body or what your mama gave you, the act of soaping up is a daily mundane task that we habitually do, without a second thought. Performed religiously, it’s these little quiet moments where you’re forced to put your phone down, disconnect and focus on the task at hand – pun not intended, but we’ll take it. Even if it’s just a two-minute, in-and-out shower dash, it’s so important to take care of yourself and slow down every once in a while. You can transform those everyday rituals, over the sink or in the shower, into a moment of mindfulness and self-care.

And that’s what we’re about.

At Cinnamon & Clove, we hand make artisan soap, skincare and bath and body products for one simple reason. To brighten your day and clean you up with a sunray of happiness. Whether it’s with our exotic handmade natural soap bars, bath soaks or body butters, we want to sprinkle Mother-Earth-approved joy into those “mundane” daily routines.

Stripping back to the ‘clean, slow way of life’, Cinnamon & Clove goodies are made from simple, all-natural ingredients – all the goodness, zero nasties. With Mother Nature’s help, we pour her stunning array of colours, botanicals and kindness into our creations. Sourced from fair trade and organic suppliers wherever possible, our products are all palm oil free, with no synthetic colours, fragrances or preservatives.

All the soapy, good vibes to get you feeling extra special, inside and out. Because you deserve it.

A crazy, cat-loving Gemini that does a happy dance whenever you soap up

Meegan on a soap dish: Animal Lover (but cats are my ride or die), Global Explorer, Die-Hard Country Music Fan, Ambivert, Non-Conformist, David Attenborough Fanatic, Night Reader, Cross Stitcher and Soap Addict (duh).

Oh, hey there, internet friend! Welcome to Cinnamon & Clove and thank you for soapin’ by. I’m Meegan, the soap nerd behind it all!

Whether you’re here on a treat yo’self spree or buying a thoughtful gift for your bestie, THANK YOU! It means so much to me whenever someone allows me to live vicariously in their homes, via my loved-up products. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I stumbled into the art of soap making years ago, back when I was managing a safari lodge in Zambia.  Wanting to create an affordable yet luxurious, bespoke product for the lodge, I took it upon myself to learn the soapy craft. I was hooked – immediately. While in Zanzibar on my R&R days, I made the goal that as part of my return home to Australia, I would start my own soap-making business.

And here we are.

I love that I get to use ALL of my brain in the soap-making process. The scientific formulations keep my regimented brain happy, while the blending of essential oils, colours, patterns and decorations keeps my artsy side dancing away! Inspired by my globetrotting adventures, you’ll notice that many of the scents, moods and names have been thoughtfully created to take you to dreamy, faraway lands.

Plus, it’s so wonderfully fulfilling when I get to personally connect with people who’re after customised pieces for special events and occasions – beautiful pieces that reflect a person, couple, time, place or anything that’s meaningful to them. 

All that aside, my mum and dad have been my biggest cheerleaders on this Cinnamon & Clove journey. Dad’s the legendary gardener that we can thank for the homegrown botanicals in many of our products. He also converted a shed into a studio to give me a dedicated workspace. My beautiful Mum fostered my love of craft from a young age – and it was a random conversation with her that made me give soap making a try!  Mum’s contribution to my business was so huge – she crocheted all the cotton face cloths, and helped me with the labelling and packing of soaps, helped me out at pop up stalls, and was my cheerleader when I needed it. My studio will never be the same without her in it, but her spirit lives on in everything I do.

And of course, I can’t forget my two kitty kiddies. Blue is 10 and came back with me from Zambia, and Wes is 7. They’re always there meowing me on. They’re my world. #crazycatlady

Look, I could keep chatting away till your ears fall off, but I’ll spare you the pain.

Thank you again for your support, I hope that Cinnamon & Clove becomes your daily reminder to be kinder and more loving towards yourself. Stay clean, shine bright and be happy.

Love and soapy stuff,
